Mutual Fund Selection Process
Step 1: Rank funds based on return and manager tenure
> Rank funds based on 5-year annualized total returns
> Re-rank the top 30 funds based on 3-year annualized total returns
> Eliminate funds where the manager tenure is less than 2.5 years
> Select the top 10 funds to move to next step
Step 2: Rank funds based on performance
> Using calendar-year returns for the last 5 years rank each fund’s annual return relative to the other 9 funds and assign a score of 1-10 with 1 being highest return.
> Total the ranking scores that each fund received
> Rank the funds based on their total ranking score and assign a value of 1-10 with 1 being for the lowest ranking score.
> Output – Top 10 Funds ranked by consistency of relative outperformance over 5 years
Step 3: Review detailed information on the fund company’s investment philosophy and process
> Evaluate management’s quarterly commentaries to understand how the fund’s portfolio is positioned.
> Compare the fund’s top holdings and segment weightings to see if it complements our own style and there is appropriate diversification.
> Review third-party analysts’ reports/opinions.
> Eliminate Funds that we believe will have a tendency to “style” drift or are not diversified to a level we are comfortable with